The following organizations share or complement the Friends of Pine Hawk goals to promote an understanding of and respect for the indigenous people and history of the region through education and through the recognition, protection, and preservation of its historic and archaeological resources.
Freedom’s Way Promoting a place-based identity for forty-five communities in Massachusetts and New Hampshire that share a uniquely American story. Hidden Treasures, a month-long celebration of the people, places and stories in 45 communities that make the region special.
Friends of Pinehawk website at the Acton Memorial Library, where the Friends of Pine Hawk organization was first developed.
The Massachusetts Archaeological Society – a gateway to related activities throughout our state.
NEARA, New England Antiquities Research Association – an active organization seeking to promote research into the origins and functions of Native American sites and to encourage their protection and preservation
Sudbury Valley Trustees – Protecting natural areas and farmland around the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers