

The Friends of Pine Hawk is an ad-hoc group of Acton citizens, town officials, and educators who came together in the summer of 2002 around one issue: to promote understanding of the archaeological and human story behind the great trove of Native American artifacts discovered at the “Pine Hawk” site in Acton. During the excavation for Acton’s new sewer plant in South Acton, an extraordinary record of Native American habitation was uncovered, a record extending back over 7,000 years. We believe a better understanding of this remarkable find enriches our community educationally and culturally. Acton is fortunate to have this “Pine Hawk” site, which is now recognized as one of the more significant Native American sites in New England.

Every October the Friends of Pine Hawk sponsor a Fall Program series of events related to local archaeology and Native American topics. These events range from seminars and films to tours and family outings.

The Friends also sponsor a year round Book Discussion Series and plan regular Community Service Events at the Trail Though Time in North Acton.

Please note that the old Friends of Pinehawk website – maintained by the Acton Memorial Library – can still be reached here.

The Friends of Pine Hawk welcome similarly interested volunteers.  To find out more, please contact friends.of.pinehawk@gmail.com.

Page content provided by The Friends of Pine Hawk